SIDIT funds bursaries for SMP students

Representatives for SIDIT join SMP students for lunch at the Reichwald Health Sciences Centre.

The Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust (SIDIT) has provided a grant of $75,000 over three years to fund educational support for SMP students. The contribution will be matched by an anonymous funder, activating a total of $150,000 in bursary support for SMP students. SIDIT’s primary focus is to support economic development projects that will have a lasting and measurable impact for the Southern Interior of BC.  “We are proud to support students in the Southern Medical Program” says Grace McGregor, SIDIT Board Chair. “Our organization feels it is important to support local medical students who will most hopefully return to the Southern Interior as practicing physicians upon completion of their residency training.”

A recent luncheon was hosted by bursary recipients for SIDIT representatives to thank them for supporting their medical education. “Bursaries provide students with much more than financial support,” says Stefano Tolhurst, second year SMP student. “They are instrumental in providing a chance to explore and make connections within the community and allow students to do the best we can to get the most out of our education.”