
Dr. Ryan Hoiland has been appointed Assistant Professor (tenure-track) with the Faculty of Medicine’s Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences (CPS) and Investigator with the Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management (CCDPM) effective July 1, 2024.

Each year, Southern Medical Program (SMP) students recognize outstanding faculty and staff across the BC Interior for making exceptional contributions to their medical education.

Dr. Tara Gill has been appointed the new Faculty Development Director for the Southern Medical Program (SMP) effective June 1, 2024. Dr. Gill will continue in her role as the Site Director for the Trail Integrated Community Clerkship (ICC).

UBCO experts discuss how exercise can help women overcome bladder control issues

UBCO researcher examines the link between hearing loss and activity levels

Congratulations to the Southern Medical Program Class of 2024 on your graduation and earning your medical degrees. This year’s graduation class includes 35 new medical doctors educated and trained in the Interior Health region.