SMP second-year students and staff joined the UBCO Partners for Life Team for the Canadian Blood Services’ 16th annual Interior Drive For Life: Kelowna vs. Prince George Challenge. The challenge runs from Sept 5 to Oct 31, 2013. The Kelowna Blood Donor Clinic is seeking out first-time donors and calling on area residents to make 1,856 blood donations to help it recapture the title from Prince George.
Almost half of the second-year class donated blood as part of the challenge with many donating for the first time. “So much of what we do in the first two years of medical school is classroom learning,” says Trish Caddy, Year 2 Class President. “When I approached my classmates with a chance to take part in the Interior Drive For Life, I think that many of them leapt at the chance to do something outside the lecture hall to raise awareness and actively contribute something to health in our community.”
Students and staff joined others from across UBC’s Okanagan campus for several group bookings held at the Kelowna clinic during the month of October. “It’s great to see so many new donors come out and support this worthy cause,” says Warren Brock, SMP Communications Coordinator and UBCO Partners for Life Champion. “Hopefully, Kelowna can win back the title and claim bragging rights for the next year.”
Update: Kelowna has captured the Interior Drive For Life title for 2013!