The SMP’s new Master Teacher Certificate Program (MTCP) was officially launched this past September. The focus of the program is to provide clinical faculty and other health professionals with tools and resources to help them excel in their roles as medical educators. The MTCP offers a monthly lecture series covering current and emerging topics in medical education – broadcast from the Clinical Academic Campus at Kelowna General Hospital to education sites in Trail, Vernon, and Kamloops. A second component provides small-group sessions for the first cohort of 15 program participants represented by SMP faculty from each of our distributed sites.
Dr. Steve Pinney, a San Francisco-based orthopedic surgeon kicked off the series on September 19th. Next up, Dr. Kevin Eva, Associate Professor and Director of Educational Research and Scholarship with the Department of Medicine presents The Student’s World: Learning and Evaluation from the Learner’s Perspective on October 24th. To learn more, visit