Trail ICC Program Expanding
The Southern Medical Program’s integrated community clerkship (ICC) program in Trail is expanding from two to four students for the 2014/15 academic year. Since the launch of the program in September 2011, the ICC program has served as a remarkable training ground for third-year medical students passionate about rural medicine. A community of over 60 physicians and allied health professionals are involved in teaching with the program. The Trail ICC welcomes its four new students in late August.
Top Poster at Medical Undergraduate Research Forum
First-year student, Kirsten Mossington recently competed in the Faculty of Medicine’s Medical Undergraduate Research Forum. Presenting via videoconference from the Reichwald Health Sciences Centre, she won top prize in the Basic Science judging category for her poster/presentation titled Targeted Knock out of the Putative Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetase-Independent Siderophore (NIS) gene in Rhizopus oryzae. The research forum is hosted annually by the UBC Medical Undergraduate Society, UBC Medical Journal, MD/PhD Program, and the Office of the Executive Associate Dean, Research.
Masters in Health Professions Education
Dr. Cheryl Holmes has earned her Masters in Health Professions Education from the University of Illinois, Chicago. Her thesis entitled Harnessing the Hidden Curriculum in Clinical Clerkship: A Four-Step Reflective Competency Approach, was informed and inspired by her role at the SMP. Dr. Holmes is an ICU physician, Year 3 Education Site Leader for Kelowna, and Clinical Associate Professor with the UBC Department of Medicine. Dr. Holmes is highly regarded for her teaching skills both at the bedside and for leading a critical care outreach session utilizing patient simulation held during the third-year clerkship retreat.
Welcome to Erin Menzies, our new SMP Learning Services Librarian. Erin is a graduate of University of Toronto (BA) and Robert Gordon University, Scotland (MSc Information & Library Studies). Previously, Erin held roles with the University Health Network in Toronto, Clinical Trials Ontario, the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries, University of Manitoba’s health sciences library and Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Erin’s excited to begin collaborating with students, staff, faculty and colleagues across the province.
Third-year student Robyn Buna has been recognized as one of UBC’s prestigious Wesbrook Scholars. The esteemed designation is given to senior students with outstanding academic performance, leadership, and involvement in student and community activities. Robyn has represented her class as Vice President, Social for the past two years, helped pair student mentors, and assisted the SMP Office of Student Affairs with various orientation activities. Robyn has also been active in the community speaking with local high school students and represented the SMP during the MD Admissions Office interview weekends.
SMP staff Michelle Bandalo, Janet Halbasch, Christine Hamilton, Diane Oorebeek, Jacqui Oshaski, and Doreen Welsh took top honours in the team category for UBC Okanagan’s Fall into Motion Challenge. The six-week challenge is designed to bring colleagues together to promote physical activity and a supportive workplace environment. The group won top spot among 11 teams by participating in a weekly yoga class as well as daily group plank and lunge exercises in the office. Individually, they earned points for skiing, running, and walking. The team was awarded a plaque and $150 gift certificate.