Welcome SMP Class of 2020

The Southern Medical Program officially welcomed our newest class to their new home at UBC Okanagan. Here’s a quick Q&A with some of our new students.

40110108_cadham_breanneBreanne Cadham
Hometown: Kelowna, BC

What attracted you to the field of medicine?
When I was young I was always interested in becoming a doctor, mostly because it was one of the five careers I knew existed. As I started post secondary education and volunteering in the healthcare field, though, my interest in the profession grew. The diversity in medicine is what most attracts me. I love that I will get to work with a variety of individuals, both professionals and patients and get to learn about so many different ailments and specialties.

What are you most excited about beginning your studies with the Southern Medical Program?
Our class! Everybody in the SMP class is wonderful, I feel very privileged to be able to share the next four years growing with them. It is also very special to be able to learn in Kelowna, a community I have been connected to my whole life.

What do you like to do in your spare time to relax and have fun?
I love being outside, though in the winter pretty much the only thing I will brave the cold for is cross-country skiing. But in better weather I really enjoy biking and running. I am currently learning how to swim so I can train for a sprint triathlon this summer. Our SMP 2020 class is very active which has helped me try new activities and is a great motivator.

What’s one thing we might be surprised to learn about you?
I was Kelowna’s Princess in the Lady of the Lake Ambassador Program in 2008/2009. And yes, I wore a tiara.


gabriellaGabriella Martine
Hometown: Oliver, BC

What attracted you to the field of medicine?
I decided to go into medicine because I wanted to blend my passion for science and learning (and I hear the learning never stops in the field of medicine!) with my passion for working with other people. During my undergraduate degree, my Biology and Health Science program stimulated my scientific curiosity and my experience working for the residence life program ignited my interest in developing relationships with others in order to support them towards their goals. I think medicine will be a good blend of those things that I will be able to enjoy lifelong.

What are you most excited about beginning your studies with the Southern Medical Program?
I am excited to be part of such a great cohort of amazing people. Being part of a smaller class size, I am excited to get to know my classmates and tutors on a more intimate level which I think will enhance my learning experience. I am also excited to return to the Okanagan and be closer to my family.

What do you like to do in your spare time to relax and have fun?
I enjoy competitive horse-back riding, hiking, running, and yoga. But I also like to relax and watch movies and do some baking (learning some new recipes so I feel more like a self-sufficient adult when I’m in the kitchen).

What’s one thing we might be surprised to learn about you?
I live with a chronic illness and although this might seem like private information, I feel it’s important for people to know that health is so much more than just being free of diseases or conditions. Being healthy for me means managing my specific needs and optimizing my happiness with my life.


26108118_munro_arlinArlin Munro
Hometown: Nelson, B.C.

What attracted you to the field of medicine?
I’ve always felt a desire to dedicate myself to public service while also being fascinated by science and the human body, medicine seemed like the perfect mix. I love that medicine will always continue to expand and push the limits and that there are so many different avenues that you can pursue as a physician. Also, medicine offers different opportunities for all different kinds of people, personally I can’t wait for the adrenaline-filled times although that might not be for everyone.

What are you most excited about beginning your studies with the Southern Medical Program?
Well now that the whirlwind of the first semester is over, I’m looking forward to finding a good balance between school and exploring the Okanagan with all my great new classmates. I think we are so fortunate to have a small like-minded group of us in a place with as much to offer as the Okanagan does. I can already tell that I’ll look back fondly on my time spent in the SMP.

What do you like to do in your spare time to relax and have fun?
I’ve been a bit of a sports and fitness junkie for many years. You’ll usually find me in the gym or golfing or playing hockey. I’ve been training with the UBC Mighty Docs already to defend last year’s championship in the 2017 Ice Bowl Hockey Tournament!

What’s one thing we might be surprised to learn about you?
I’m actually a bit of a hippy at heart. I’m sure growing up in Nelson had a little something to do with that but I’m a yoga-loving tree-hugger through and through.