Dr. Jim Huang
Southern Medical Program Class of 2015
Current Job Title:
Rural Family Medicine Resident Year 2, Kelowna
Tell us what you do at your workplace:
I model rural family doctors by taking care of hospital patients, managing the emergency department, and see patients in the family doctor’s clinic. The family doctors take care of the towns where there are no specialists.
What attracted you to a career in medicine?
Being able to make direct and meaningful impact on people’s lives every day.
Today in healthcare it’s important to…
Treat patients as people, not as diagnoses.
What is the best professional advice you received?
Never stop listening to that feeling that something doesn’t seem quite right.
What is your favourite memory at the Faculty of Medicine?
Being able to graduate with me peers while helping to shape the SMP in it’s infancy.
What advice to you have for current medical students?
Always leave time for yourself and the ones closest to you. The medicine will always be there.
Bucket list item?
Compete in a triathlon.