The Chronic Disease Prevention Program invites faculty, staff, students, and community members to attend the inaugural Reichwald Family Chair Lecture in Preventive Medicine at UBC Okanagan.
Dr. Lawrence Brawley, Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention presents Community Interventions as Life Preservers for Disease Prevention: Evidence for a Physical Activity Behaviour Change Model.
Monday, May 7th, 1:00 to 2:00 pm
Reichwald Health Science Centre, RHS 260
UBC Okanagan, 1088 Discovery Avenue, Kelowna, BC
A light reception will be held after the lecture in the RHS atrium.
To attend in person, please register at
Webstream Link – Reichwald Family Chair Lecture in Prevention Medicine
Dr. Lawrence Brawley
Dr. Brawley is a Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the College of Kinesiology and affiliate member of the School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan. He is in the second of his 7 year, Canada Research Chair (CRC) awards. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. As a CRC, Dr. Brawley’s research examines why some people successfully adopt physical activity for (a) healthy lifestyle change, and (b) chronic disease self-management, while others struggle. Dr. Brawley’s publications span the fields of psychology, kinesiology, behavioral medicine, public health, gerontology and rehabilitation. He has received funding for his research through agencies such as CIHR, SSHRC, the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, and the US National Institute of Aging. With colleagues, he has recently contributed a chapter entitled Self Management of Health Behavior in Geriatric Medicine in Hazzard’s 2016 text on Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology.
Chronic Disease Prevention Program
The Chronic Disease Prevention Program (CDPP) is aimed at progressing the research front in the prevention and management of chronic diseases. Dr. Kathleen Martin Ginis, a Professor with UBC Faculty of Medicine and UBC Okanagan Faculty of Health and Social Development, is the founding CDPP Director. Dr. Martin Ginis also serves as the inaugural Reichwald Family UBC Southern Medical Program Chair in Preventive Medicine.
Based at UBC Okanagan, the CDPP will harness the strengths of researchers from both Okanagan and Vancouver campuses and Interior Health (IH) to support new discoveries and knowledge translation in the areas of physical activity, nutrition/healthy eating, diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and neurotrauma and neurodegenerative diseases.
For more info, visit