Dr. Marc Jutras
Hometown: Abbotsford
What attracted you to medicine?
I played junior hockey during high school and spent a lot of time training and developing a passion for health and fitness. I expected to work in the health and fitness industry in some capacity, and the more I learned about the human body, the more I became interested in medicine and healthcare. I never could have predicted that I would end up going to medical school and pursuing Diagnostic Radiology residency, but life is full of great surprises.
In 10 years, what UBC moment will you still be talking about?
Coming off the high of Match Day, it is hard to compete with that. After working so hard for four years, it was very special to be able to return to Kelowna at the end of fourth year and celebrate our own SMP graduation and Match Day with all our classmates, staff, and faculty. The whirlwind of emotions surrounding that time is something that I will never forget.
What’s next for you?
I am very excited to be staying at UBC to begin my residency in Diagnostic Radiology. I love the challenge of radiology, as it is a field that truly crosses all boundaries of medicine, as diagnostic imaging is utilized in one way or another during the workup of almost every condition. With the expanding role that interventional procedures are beginning to play in radiology, I believe it is a very exciting time to be entering this field.
As you look ahead, what (or who) inspires you?
As I look back, I am impressed that after completing medical school, I am leaving with far more questions about health and disease than I ever could have imagined. Medicine is a dynamic and ever-changing field and I am constantly inspired that as future doctors, we get to play a small part in contributing to the field and helping to unravel some of these complexities. Getting to interact within a healthcare team working together towards the common goal of optimal patient care, with each specialist contributing their own unique perspective to the most challenging cases, is a great source of motivation to me.
Name one thing on your bucket list.
Travel is certainly the main one – too many specific places to list, but I would like to visit all seven continents some day (or at least six, not sure if I will ever get to Antarctica…). I’ve only been to three so far, so there is certainly a lot more to see.