SMP Family Practice Lead

Dr. Amy Kluftinger has been appointed as Family Practice Lead for the Southern Medical Program (SMP). Dr. Kluftinger is a Kelowna-based family physician and Clinical Instructor with the UBC Department of Family Practice.

Dr. Kluftinger completed her medical degree at UBC and residency training at Queen’s University, where she served as Chief Resident for the Belleville-Quite site. She then completed further training in Obstetrics and Women’s Health with the UBC Family Medicine Enhanced Skills Program. Dr. Kluftinger has been a strong advocate for medical education throughout her career. Presently, she serves as a preceptor for the Family Practice, Clinical Skills, and Transition to Clinical Education courses in addition to serving as OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) examiner.

Dr. Kluftinger will work closely with the Regional Associate Dean, Interior and Years 1 & 2 team to optimize learning environments for SMP students and faculty. She will also work in conjunction with Family Practice Leads from the Island Medical Program, Northern Medical Program and Vancouver-Fraser Medical Program for the Faculty of Medicine.