The Southern Medical Program relies on community members to help support the education and training of our students. Meet Matt Scaife, one of our Volunteer Patients that helps with clinical skills sessions at the Clinical Academic Campus at Kelowna General Hospital.
Name: Matt Scaife
Occupation: Retired Mortgage Broker
How long have you been a Volunteer Patient? 7 years.
Why did you decide to volunteer? As a liver transplant recipient, I’ve been very well looked after by all the involved medical professionals. Because of that I wanted to be a help in any way I could. Being available to share my story or be a body they can practice procedures on when ever needed.
What do you enjoy most about being a Volunteer Patient? My favorite part is when the students figure out something new and I can see the light turn on. Plus it’s a pleasure to meet and interact with our future medical professionals.
What is the most interesting thing you have learned?
I am always stunned by how much knowledge the students acquired so quickly into their training.
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