Rural family physician Dr. Shaun Van Zyl has been recognized by the UBC Faculty of Medicine as a 2020 recipient of the Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Community Practice. Dr. Van Zyl, a Clinical Instructor with the Southern Medical Program, was acknowledged for his 14 years of clinical teaching excellence for medical students and residents in the community of Kimberley and at East Kootenay Regional Hospital.
Dr. Van Zyl is a strong advocate of medical education in the region and has inspired numerous students to pursue rural family medicine for their future careers. Dr. Van Zyl is highly regarded as an excellent preceptor, role model, and rural family physician providing patient-centered care. Past students and residents noted his ability to foster a welcoming and supportive learning environment and never missing an opportunity to harness a teachable moment.
“Teaching medical students is real privilege and has been a highlight of my career,“ says Van Zyl.