SMP Student Janine Olsen
Student Name: Janine Olsen, SMP Class of 2021
Supervisor Name: Dr. Christine Voss, investigator, Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management
Funder: Southern Medical Program
Tell us about your research project:
The overall project aims to determine the quality of current pediatric diabetes care in the Interior Health region by evaluating key indicators in patient data, characterizing the volume and distribution of pediatric type 1 diabetes patients in the IH catchment area in addition to addressing the patient experience and satisfaction. This is a collaborative project undertaken by Interior Health, Child Health BC (CHBC), and the Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management through its Clinical Research and Quality Improvement Incubator. The project is utilizing the CHBC Diabetes Tiers of Service report as a foundation for the project goals. During my funding period, I conducted a literature search and wrote a background literature review to provide an overview of the evidence around the multi-factoral determinants of well-managed type 1 diabetes in children and youth. The purpose of my literature review was to inform the next steps of the larger project. I also recently had the opportunity to present my literature review, as well as the larger project goals at the virtual Vancouver Diabetes Research Day. As the larger project enters its next phase, I will be working closely with the IH research department to lead an extensive chart review over the course of the next few months.
What are the results and potential impact?
There is a complex interplay between clinical, environmental, psychosocial, and behavioural factors and their influence on glycemic control. My literature review helped identify how some of these factors relate to each other and affect glycemic control in. In our study, we are specifically planning to evaluate the effects of geography and clinic structures in the IH region on glycemic control and overall disease management by collecting data on specific metrics for diabetes management related to glycemic control, comorbidities, and complications of diabetes. We plan to analyze this data in relation to distance to care, and the various clinic models. The details of this study will contribute to how diabetes care in the IH regon and help identify areas that may need to be enhanced to provide optimal care. This project will inform further provincial work through CHBC regarding the development of quality measures for children with diabetes.