Back to School

The Southern Medical Program is thrilled to welcome its largest class ever of 40 new students in addition to our returning students for a new academic year. Meet some of our new and returning SMP students.

Amelia Martzke, Year 1
Hometown: Nelson

What inspired you to pursue your program? 
After completing my undergraduate degree in Health Sciences, I was motivated to pursue a career that would allow me to engage directly with patients in a clinical setting. I have had research experience in the field of sexual and reproductive health and have worked in harm reduction with a non-profit organization for the last few years. I am passionate about working with marginalized populations and providing care to underserved communities with a focus on sexual and reproductive health, gender-affirming care, and mental health and addictions services.

Why did you choose UBC?
I grew up in Nelson, BC, and then moved to Ottawa to complete my undergraduate degree. Since then, I have lived in Nelson for another four years, and have fostered a profound sense of community and belonging in the West Kootenay region. I am passionate about outdoor recreation and mountain sports, and have a strong desire to further explore, study, work, and live in BC. I am excited about the opportunity to continue my studies in BC and look forward to starting this journey at UBC!

What are you most looking forward to this year?
I am looking forward to learning in diverse ways, in an environment where special attention has been put into the design of the curriculum and the learning outcomes for students. I am excited for the opportunity to learn in different settings and through distinct methods such as case-based learning, exposure to laboratory and clinical settings, lectures, and seminars. I also look forward to making meaningful connections with other students, professors, preceptors, supervisors, and patients. I am excited about fostering a new community with people from different backgrounds who have diverse experiences from my own.


Dylan Nemes, Year 3
Hometown: Kelowna

What inspired you to pursue your program?
About five years ago, I volunteered as a practice patient for the Southern Medical Program here in Kelowna. I was amazed at the seemingly endless knowledge the first-year students had and was curious about the interpretation of their physical exams. I found myself trying to learn more about their clinical skills when I went home after volunteering. I’ve always known that I wanted to work in a job where I would have the opportunity to meet and help many different people, and where I’d always need to learn new things. And, those patient volunteering sessions set me in the right direction!

Why did you choose UBC?
I knew that I wanted to live in Kelowna to be close to friends and family. My support network is important to my success, and I have a community of people here who I can rely on when I feel like I need it. UBC is also a renowned program for its teaching and innovation, so that was a bonus.

What are you most looking forward to this year?
I cannot wait to start clinical placements. I am excited to build my skillset and learn from the kind and skillful practitioners here in Kelowna. I am also particularly excited for my rural family practice rotation, where I can experience medicine in another part of B.C.


Kayla Korolek, Year 4
Hometown: Prince George

What inspired you to pursue your program?
My decision to pursue medicine is driven by a deep passion for medical science, a genuine compassion for others, and the guidance of inspiring mentors. I am fascinated by the intellectual challenge of medical science, and I thrived on applying physiological concepts to medical cases during undergrad. My natural inclination toward working with people and collaborating with both patients and colleagues has always been a significant motivator to pursue medicine. Additionally, the example set by a few inspiring peers who were pursuing medicine further solidified my commitment to this path.

Why did you choose UBC?
I chose UBC for its distinguished medical program and the advantage of staying close to home. The opportunity to study in Kelowna, with its smaller class sizes and proximity to Okanagan Lake and Big White, perfectly aligned with my preferences. The positive reputation of the Kelowna cohort and its fit with my personal interests made it an ideal choice for my medical education.

What are you most looking forward to this year?
This year, I am most excited about cherishing time with my fourth-year friends before we embark on our separate residency paths. I am eager to finalize my career direction and discover which specialty I will be matched to through the Canadian Residency Match Service. Additionally, I look forward to transitioning from medical student to resident doctor.

Richard Mageto, Year 2
Hometown: Surrey, BC

What inspired you to pursue your program? 
I started undergrad in Kamloops as a kid who wanted to play basketball with no real plans after that. It wasn’t until my third year that I began thinking about what I would like to pursue. After reflecting on the impact that a missionary doctor had on my family when we lived in Kenya, I decided to purse medicine and never looked back.

Why did you choose UBC?
I chose UBC because of UBC medicine’s excellence in being recognized as one of the top programs in the country and because of the faculty’s commitment to diversity. Additionally, staying in BC gave me the opportunity to stay close to my family.

What are you most looking forward to this year? 
I’m looking forward to meeting the incoming first year students, doing more hands-on learning, and a potential trip with my classmates during our winter break.

September Stefani, Year 2
Hometown: Rossland

What inspired you to pursue your program? 
In high school, a career in the healthcare field was never really on my radar, I had my heart set on architecture. However, I was a lifeguard and therefore had to take lots of first aid courses to be certified. In the middle of one of these courses I had a moment of realization that I loved learning about how to help people and how to act quick in emergency scenarios. During my undergraduate degree, I gravitated towards courses that focused on how the human body works and things that can cause it to go wrong (such as viruses, bacteria, trauma, diseases, etc).

Why did you choose UBC? 
I was born and raised in small town BC, so I knew I wanted to try and stay close to home for my post-secondary education. I was also intrigued by the ICC program (Inter Community Clerkship) option available in 3rd year as right now I would like to end up practicing in a rural area I believe that the ICC program will be a great opportunity for me to gain the unique skills needed to practice medicine in a rural setting.

What are you most looking forward to this year?
I’m really looking forward to seeing all of my classmates again! We have a really great group of people in the Class of 2027. Also, learning lots of cool things, getting more hands-on experience and of course skiing at Big White!


Quinn D Krahn, Year 4
Hometown: Kelowna

What inspired you to pursue your program? 
As a kid, and to my mother’s bane, my favorite questions were always why and how. “Just Because” was never good enough. My curiosity eventually led to an interest in medicine. For me, it is the cutting edge of science, the crux of ethics and philosophy, and an enigma of wonder. My initial interests have shifted during my studies, but the same excitement and curiosity remains. I couldn’t be happier in the career that I have chosen to pursue.

Why did you choose UBC?
UBC was a simple choice for me. I studied at UBCO during my undergrad and knowing that I would likely not be able to continue residency programs at my hometown of Kelowna I made my best effort to try and stay close to family. I was also initially drawn by UBC’s spiral curriculum, and its dedication and commitments to student and physician wellbeing.

What are you most looking forward to this year?
As with most of my peers I am looking forward to the ever daunting “match day”. I cannot wait to see where my peers and I will match to and what new journey beyond med school is in store for us. For now I am happy to have electives that are taking me around the province and the opportunity I have to work with so many amazing people.