Since the official launch of the SMP in September 2011, our program has experienced exponential growth.
- More than 900 health professionals across the Interior involved with teaching UBC medical students and residents.
- 128 students now enrolled with the SMP with our inaugural class graduating next spring.
- Over 50 education leads and admin staff helping deliver our program across our distributed sites.
With so many people and lots of kilometres in between, it’s tough to share all of the remarkable opportunities to live, work, train, and study in one of the most desirable regions in the world. So we asked our faculty, staff, and students to help showcase what we are all about in the MedEd in the BC Interior photo contest.
Congrats to the top entries in our four photo categories: Student Life, Best Commute, Faculty & Staff Life, and Scenic who each won a $25 iTunes gift card.
Student Life Winner Entry – Bethany Woodrow (Photo Above); Caption: 75% of the Trail ICC cohort on our first group ride in Rossland.
Student Life Honourable Mention – Adriel Lam ; Caption: Rock Climbing at Mount Boucherie.
Scenic Winning Entry – Kurt Hoskin; Caption: Enjoying the beauty and serenity of Lake Okanagan.
Scenic Honourable Mention – Adriel Lam; Caption: Scenic Nature Shot.
Scenic Honourable Mention – Jim Huang; Caption: A scenic send off after a year of clerkship on Kalamalka Lake in Vernon.
Best Commute Winning Entry – Christabelle Bitgood; Caption: A hike in Peterson Creek Park in Kamloops.
Best Commute Honourable Mention – Donna Russo; Caption: Daily lakeside trek to UBCO from Oyama.
Faculty & Staff Life Winning Entry – Carri Folk; Caption: Finn atop Pin Cushion Mountain in Peachland.
Faculty & Staff Life Honourable Mention – Allison Gilbert; Caption: MD 2019 Candidate studying for the MCAT.