Dr. Bill Nelems, UBC Professor Emeritus has co-authored a new book titled Evolution of Thoracic Surgery in Canada. The book provides an in-depth look at Canada’s contribution to innovation, knowledge gains, and new standards for today’s field of thoracic surgery. Dr. Nelems is a world-renowned thoracic surgeon based in Kelowna and actively involved in teaching medical students and residents at Kelowna General Hospital. His co-authors include Dr. F. Griffith Pearson, a pioneer in thoracic surgery and Dr. Jean Deslauriers, a world leader in the surgery of lung cancer.
500 limited edition copies signed by the co-authors and 500 standard editions are available. All proceeds from the book sales go towards the Pearson/Nelems/Deslaurier Canadian Thoracic Surgery Foundation for Research and Education. To purchase a copy, visit http://www.canadianthoracicsurgeons.ca/evolution-of-thoracic-surgery-in-canada. A copy has been purchased for the Henderson Library at the Clinical Academic Campus.