UBC Okanagan is recruiting local seniors for a second intake of the Walk, Talk, ‘n’ Listen randomized control trial research study.
If you have a hearing problem, are 65 years or older and in reasonably good health, we invite you to learn about an exciting research study aimed at helping older adults with hearing loss.
Led by Associate Professor Dr. Charlotte Jones, Walk Talk ‘n’ Listen is being held in partnership with the YMCA of Okanagan.
Round 2 of Walk, Talk, ‘n’ Listen begins in September. Participants will meet at the Rutland YMCA once or twice a week in the mornings. UBC Okanagan is looking for reasonably healthy residents, 65-years or older, who are not walker or wheelchair dependent to participate in the 12-week study.
Join others in a hearing – loss friendly environment, have fun & become more physically active, learn about health and wellness, and benefit from group auditory rehabilitation sessions, aimed at introducing skills in how to better cope with hearing loss and how to become more comfortable socializing.
To find out more, people are encouraged to contact Carolyn Roque at 250-807-9827 or carolyn.roque@ubc.ca.