SMP Alumni Check-In – Robyn Buna
Robyn Buna Southern Medical Program Class of 2015 Current Job Title: Pediatrics Resident (PGY2), Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary Tell us what you do at your workplace. As a pediatrics resident, I rotate through month-long blocks, primarily at the Children’s Hospital, where I take care of patients alongside the pediatric team (which ranges from just me […]
Former Trail ICC Student Receives National Palliative Care Award
Jennifer McCormack, UBC Faculty of Medicine Vancouver Fraser Medical Program and former Trail Integrated Community Clerkship (ICC) student, has been recognized with the inaugural Undergraduate Narrative Award for Palliative Medicine by the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians. The national award is designed to stimulate undergraduate medical students to think and reflect creatively about the […]
Southern Medical Program Thanks Volunteer Patients
The Southern Medical Program (SMP) held a Volunteer Appreciation Tea for volunteer patients on October 27th at the Kelowna Community Theatre. Frank Takacs, Standardized Patient & Volunteer Patient Recruiter and Trainer, Shaun Bos, Standardized Patient Trainer, and Dr. Matt Petrie, former Clinical Skills Co-Director were on-hand to thank those in attendance for contributing to the […]
New Teaching Tracking and Payment System
The UBC Faculty of Medicine is implementing a province-wide Teaching Tracking and Payment System (TTPS) for clinical faculty. TTPS will document teaching activity and standardize the payment process across the distributed MD Undergraduate Program. For Southern Medical Program (SMP) clinical faculty, we would like to highlight a few key considerations regarding the new TTPS: Most eligible […]