SMP Alumni Check-In

Name: Brendan Lim
Graduation year: SMP 2022
Current city: Saskatoon, SK

Describe your current practice (or training environment):
PGY-2 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Saskatchewan.

Best piece of advice you ever received:
You never know when you might learn something that will be useful one day.

Name: Leah Trippell
Graduation year: 2020
Current city: Campbell River

Describe your current practice (or training environment):
I just wrapped up an R3 in Emergency Medicine after completing my family medicine training in the amazing Strathcona program. Now I’m finally settling into Campbell River working part-time in the ER and part-time doing family medicine in the community!

Best piece of advice you ever received:
Medicine is a marathon, not a sprint. Make sure to take time to take care of yourself now; you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Name: Jason Jeet Randhawa
Graduation Year: 2016
Current city: Kelowna

Describe your current practice (or training environment) in 1 or 2 sentences:
Adult neurologist in Kelowna, BC with clinical neurophysiology subspecialty training. I interpret neurodiagnostic studies at Kelowna General Hospital and remain active in teaching at the Southern Medical Program.

Best piece of advice you ever received:
If you have two equivalent options on how to proceed in a clinical situation, choose whatever option is more difficult for you as the clinician.