SMP News

Royal Inland Hospital provides the best of both worlds for UK med student

Royal Inland Hospital provides the best of both worlds for UK med student

In completing the final component of her UK medical degree, Tiffany Vracas…

Third-year UBC medical students train at Kelowna General Hospital.  About 200 UBC medical students have received training at KGH during the past three years.

Kelowna General Hospital readies for medical students

Hospital to receive its initial group of 1st-year students in January 2012.

SMP Holds Prototypical Week

SMP Holds Prototypical Week

From February 28 to March 4, the SMP held a Prototypical Week at UBC’s Okanagan Campus and the Clinical Academic Campus at KGH.

Eleven UBC medical students appeared more like family during their visit to Trail this weekend. The trip ended with a luncheon hosted by Dr. Cheryl Hume and her husband Dr. Ralph Behrens, where the crew fell in love with the family dog, Oscar.

Medical students hope to score spot at hospital

Trail gave eager medical students a taste of the area this weekend when 11 hopeful applicants met with local professionals.

Trail’s Dr. Cheryl Hume met with Dr. Allan Jones, associate regional dean for the Southern Medical Program, on Monday to announce the news that KBRH will be a training facility for two third-year UBC medical students.

KBRH chosen as teaching hospital

Starting in September, Trail’s hospital will be one of a few facilities to kickstart a new program that looks to attract medical professionals to rural areas in the Interior.

SMP Partners with Interior Health for Innovative Pilot Program at KBRH

SMP Partners with Interior Health for Innovative Pilot Program at KBRH

A new partnership between the UBC Faculty of Medicine Southern Medical Program (SMP) and Interior Health will bring health professional training to Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH).

Health Sciences Centre

Campus Development

The Health Sciences Centre is in the final stages of completion for the arrival of our inaugural class.

Faculty Recruitment

Faculty Recruitment

  Help train the next generation of physicians — join our Faculty.